Saturday, October 28, 2006 voila!

The promised refresh is now available from the regular Business Objects Labs page for the Quark Framework.

This update includes a large amount of new material. Specifically, we have now opened all the Java SDKs that allow embedding of the Quark Framework in Java applications. Functions/Gems can be searched for, modules loaded/unloaded, adhoc compositions made, evaluated monolithically or in steps with 'continuations' etc. etc.

Downloading the main software ZIP will get you all the new libraries, tools, documents and samples. For convenience (and for those not wishing to register), the documents, CALDoc and Javadoc are separately available/browsable.

We continue to work on further samples and case studies, especially now around how to use the newly published SDKs. Look for announcements about these in the usual places (including here).

As usual, please provide any and all feedback, and I would encourage people to do so on the Quark Framework forum, rather in in private email (though I'm happy to continue receiving this), as it gives everyone a change to participate in group discussion.

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